Career Link periodically releases Requests for Proposal (RFP) or Requests for Quote (RFQ) to procure suppliers of professional, technical, and other services as needed to administer Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs in Central Illinois. Each RFP/RFQ describes the specific requirements for the services sought, the format of acceptable responses, and the selection procedure. All current Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are listed below.
We maintain bidders lists for all RFPs issued by Career Link in order to notify interested parties of upcoming proposals. To be placed on a bidders list, please submit a request in writing to David Vaughn at
LWIA 15 OSO Request for Proposal
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act sets up a framework for establishing One-Stop Centers in which the Illinois Department of Employment Security and other partner organizations may co-locate. Each comprehensive center must have a One-Stop Operator and that Operator must comply with requirements established under WIOA and its implementing rule. The purpose of the RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified entities for a WIOA One-Stop Operator for LWA 15. In LWA 15 the comprehensive One-Stop Center is located at 406 Elm Street, Peoria, IL 61601.
OSO Request for Proposal - due April 11, 2025 by 5PM CST