Career Link periodically releases Requests for Proposal (RFP) or Requests for Quote (RFQ) to procure suppliers of professional, technical, and other services as needed to administer Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs in Central Illinois.  Each RFP/RFQ describes the specific requirements for the services sought, the format of acceptable responses, and the selection procedure.  All current Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are listed below.

We maintain bidders lists for all RFPs issued by Career Link in order to notify interested parties of upcoming proposals.  To be placed on a bidders list, please submit a request in writing to David Vaughn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Drop Out Prevention Request for Proposal

The United Workforce Development Board, Inc. (Career Link) is soliciting proposals for Drop-Out Prevention Programs aimed at in-school youth (ages 14-21) across an eight-county region in Illinois.  Applications for funding must be submitted via email by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 7, 2025. 

The programs' primary goals include improving academic performance, facilitating high school graduation, and ensuring post-secondary employment or educational opportunities for participants.  Applicants are encouraged to propose an in-school program that addresses critical academic needs, incorporates career guidance, and includes hands-on employment experiences through partnerships with local employers.  Ongoing collaboration with Career Link staff is essential for ensuring adequate support, tracking performance metrics, and providing follow-up services for program participants after graduation.  Selected contractors will receive funding on a reimbursement basis and are expected to maintain compliance with performance standards set forth by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  Furthermore, applicants must demonstrate organizational readiness, a successful track record, and compliance with equal opportunity requirements.