Career Link is an organization dedicated to developing the workforce of Central Illinois by providing job search and education assistance, training, and additional resources to residents and employers. We operate through the Illinois workNet Center of Peoria and have locations in Fulton, Marshall, Mason, McLean, Stark, Tazewell, and Woodford counties. We strive to advance the productivity and competitiveness of our communities by linking individuals with employment opportunities. We are passionate about people and work hard to help them in any way we can. Our team is determined to offer the professional advice, information, and encouragement you need to achieve your goals.
Career Link is proud to be part of a group of organizations that make up the American Job Center Partner Network. This group is focused on bridging the gap between unemployment and successful careers. Together, we have developed unique processes and tools to connect individuals with the resources they need to make their employment dreams a reality. We also help employers find and retain capable employees who have the right skills for their company's specific needs. Career Link is ready to set job seekers and businesses up for success.
If you're looking for a job but aren't having any luck, Career Link is here for you. Our qualified and caring staff will guide you through each step as we prepare you for your next job opportunity. If you're a business owner looking to hire, we can match you with great candidates. If you're seeking more education or job training but aren't sure where to start, the Career Link team will show you what to do. We understand how difficult it can be to get a job in today's world. Sometimes it can seem like everyone and everything is against you, but you don't have to go on this journey alone. Career Link is on your side.